6.2.4 Single Node Check
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After installing the node, you need to make sure that the services are installed and working correctly. The following are the basic tests to verify that the basic properties of the system are working. Here and below are the tests for the MATAGAMI version, the following versions, such as ATHABASCA. You can use a similar syntax.
BGT is a test transaction family that supports abstract tokens within the network. Accessing BGT is possible in various ways, including using the command line interface – CLI. To use the CLI, you need to call bash inside the container.
We call bash inside the container:
Inside the container, we execute the command to create a bgt-wallet and transfer a sum to it:
As a result, a WAL bgt-wallet is created, to which 7777 BGT tokens were credited.
Checking the list of enrollments:
Sample output:
To add funds, conduct transfers, reduce within the bgt family, you can also use the commands (full list bgt -h):
- set
– sets the bgt value
- inc
– increases bgt value
- dec
– reduces dgt value
- trans
– transfers tokens from wallet to wallet
- show
– shows a specific value for this wallet
- list
– a list of all wallets and their amounts
For example, increasing wallet values is performed by the command:
Sample output:
For more information on using the DGT CLI, see all command list below.
The health check presented above using the BGT transaction family may not be sufficient for a number of situations: the CLI client (see 6.5) interacts with the node through API like any other client, at the same time, this interaction involves the internal (local) network of the node, which does not allow assessing the impact of network effects that are significant when testing distributed interaction. Using direct API calls allows you to:
Check the passage of transactions through the network.
Access network “costs” in terms of performance and scalability.
Each node is equipped with an API server that, in the basic configuration, responds on port (8108 by default). To carry out checks, you must ensure the following conditions are met:
The overall health of the node has been verified internally using the CLI.
The node has an IP address accessible from the local/external network. For an Ubuntu system, use the official guide for configuring and checking system network interfaces
You have API testing tools installed and prepared. Recommended:
- CURL is a command-line utility for interacting with URL-based serves available for Linux and Windows operating systems (see user guide)
- POSTMAN is a comprehensive API testing and development solution. See the official guide for using the system.
Verification will be carried out by obtaining a list of transactions for a given node. Even in the case of a newly installed node, this list cannot be empty, since the node initialization procedures include settings for its topology performed through a special transaction family. Depending on the tools you use:
When using CURL
, type the following in the command line interface:
Here the [NODE_URL]
– is the tcp-address of the node, including port. For example,
As a result of executing such a command, the server will return a list of current transactions in JSON format. A typical output is shown below:
When using POSTMAN
, load the local version, configure the Environment (see Environments tab) by setting the local variable url = NODE_URL
(node’s IP: Port). Select the new GET command and enter the value:
If successful, the command should return a result similar to the one shown in the figure below.
The standard node comes with a built-in dashboard, which can make health checks much easier. This component is optional and must be run separately – see 6.2.2. Make sure that you have completed the necessary preparatory steps.
The node has open ports as per requirements (see 6.2.3). The standard port for using the Dashboard is 8003.
The overall health of the node has been verified internally using the CLI.
The node has an IP address accessible from the local/external network. For an Ubuntu system, use the official guide for configuring and checking system network interfaces.
On the workstation, you have access to the network and downloaded browsers (we recommend MS Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox of the latest versions)
To conduct the testing itself, open your browser and follow these steps:
Go to the Dashboard by typing http://[NODE_IP]:8003/
in the address bar. For instance,
. If the service is operational and the network configuration is correct, the main Dashboard page will load:
For further testing, go to the Dev/Batch Creator tab. The presented functionality allows you to create test transactions. Select the following options:
- Family: bgt
- Url: tcp://validator-dgt-c1-1:8108
- Command: set
- wallet: WALX
- amount: 1000
The name of the wallet and the BGT amount can be specified arbitrarily. Execute the transaction (Execute) and if successful, the results of the transaction will be similar to those shown below:
Experiment with other DGT commands by creating wallets, transferring tokens to them, and ensuring the operations are correct (for a complete list of DGT operations, see 6.5).
To verify that a single node installation works correctly, please use the following test to verify that the node is available and working:
Check Environment
Make sure the system is deployed and assembled without errors, including the core services and Dashboard.
Use the appropriate procedures (see below)
Check CLI with BGT Transaction Family
Navigate to the command line of the deployed node with the
«docker exec -it shell-dgt-c1-1 bash
» command.
The command line prompt will change to «root…:/project/dgt
Run the command for creating the WALLET1 wallet.
(or any other name, if this wallet was created earlier:
«bgt set WALLET1 1000
If successful, repeat the command for creating a second wallet:
«bgt set WALLET2 1000
Transfer tokens from the first wallet to the second:
«bgt trans WALLET1 500 WALLET2
Print a list of wallets for the bgt family using the command: «bgt list
The output should reflect the list of wallets and the wallet balances that changed due to the transfer:
«WALLET1: BGT_token=500 WALLET2: BGT_token = 1500
Check CLI Command to show all transactions
Without leaving the CLI of the node, enter the command to display the list of transactions:
«dgt transaction list
The command should display a list of all transactions in the DAG.
Check CLI/xcert
To check the processing of certificates, we use the command of their creation based on the key generated earlier:
«xcert set /project/dgt/etc/certificate.json –user /root/.dgt/keys/root.priv
The successful output of the certificate’s contents guarantees the performance of the corresponding functionality.
The output of “xcert list
” certificates should provide for outputting data created on the base of the certificate’s template.
Close the CLI console with the “exit
” command.
API Quering
To check the functionality of the API, they must be accessed through the appropriate client tool.
On the external machine, open the command line interface (or the POSTMAN toolkit).
Execute the listing of transactions: «curl -v http://[NODE_IP]:8108/transactions
This command displays a list of transactions based on the network settings.
Additionally, let’s display the information for each separate transaction.
To do this, copy the Transaction_ID
(header_signature – 128-144-digit code in the form of “3046022…d630fd”)
for any transaction randomly selected from the list.
The output of transaction details is given by the command:
«curl -v http://[NODE_IP]:8108/transactions/TRANSACTION_ID
Dashboard Check
Checking the health of the Dashboard component (if it was installed) is carried out through the operations of the bgt family.
Load the Dashboard in the browser of the client computer:
Open the «Dev/Batch Creator» tab.
Select the following in the Create Batch section:
Family = bgt
; Url = «tcp://validator-dgt-c1-1:8101
» , command = «set
In the additional fields, enter the information about the transaction:
wallet = “DSHBTEST
”, amount = “700
Press execute and you should receive a link to the transaction status:
Press the Refresh button and you should receive the information on the transaction’s status; if successful, it will display: COMMITTED
Copy the transaction ID:
«“id”: "3046022100…
» (just the ID itself)
Head over to the “Transactions” tab, find the transaction of the bgt family among the first lines, highlight it, and in the pop-up window, check the transaction id against the “header_signature
” field.
Direct BGT API
Check the processing of the bgt transaction (by direct API access) with the endpoint run and curl utility.
Create a new :
curl "http://[NODE_IP]:8108/run?family=bgt&url=tcp%3A%2F%2Fvalidator-dgt-c1-1%3A8101&cmd=set&wallet=TESTWALLET&amount=1000
In case of success, you should receive a check with a link to success.
The status of the created wallet is checked by the command:
curl "
In case of success, a link to the wallet and its value are returned:
Reduce the number of tokens in the wallet by a sum exceeding the one set before:
curl "http://[NODE_IP]:8108/run?family=bgt&cmd=dec&wallet=TESTWALLET&amount=1200
This transaction returns a check with a display of the transaction (batch) ID:
“id= 3045022100fcc9cc0e1e5cda651e5b33…
Verify the operation’s status:
curl "http://[NODE_IP]:8108/batch_statuses?id=[BATCH_ID]
With the output ID, the result is provided with the “INVALID
” status.
The wallet status is checked with the command:
curl "http://[NODE_IP]:8108/run?family=bgt&cmd=show&wallet=TESTWALLET
It should display an unchanged balance of 1000 BGT