2.6 More Cases
The application solutions presented above do not exhaust all the possibilities of implementing of the platform. For each of the solutions, serious design is required, which would include:
Representation of the data layer (with possible modification of the transaction processor).
Representation on how the system will integrate with corporate (legacy) information systems.
Development of a business plan to attract partners to a decentralized solution.
DGT specialists are ready to provide appropriate advice and give form to the needed project. Read more on how to create your own solution based on the platform as discussed in Chapter 1.
DGT. Supply Chain – DGT’s guide to developing supply chain solutions.
DGT. Capturing Non-Core Value. Cross-Enterprise Ecosystem – description of projects for horizontal integration
DGT. Achieving Data-Rich Value Chains. Cross-Enterprise Integration – description of projects for vertical integration
ITU-T DLT Use Cases [8] – description of application scenarios for using blockchain technology
EY, Tokenization of assets – the possibility of using blockchain technology to tokenize assets.
PWC, Use Cases for Blockchain Technology in Energy & Commodity Trading – an overview of the application of blockchain technology in energy and commodities
Accenture, GET THE FULL PICTURE: Assessing blockchain’s business value
DHL, Blockchain in Logistics, 2018
Deloitte, WeForum, Forging New Pathways. The next evolution of innovation in financial services, 2020
Last updated