5.3.2 Shaping the Transaction Profile: A Three-pronged Approach

The transaction profile of a platform isn't solely a reflection of its user count or its marketed potential (Clegg et al. 2009). It's a nuanced picture painted by myriad factors, each contributing uniquely to the overall transactional behavior. Our model distills this complexity into three primary components (Shi et al. 2021), each capturing a pivotal aspect of the transaction landscape:

  • Emerging Effect (Rogers, Singhal, and Quinlan 2019):

    o Description: This component captures the initial fervor surrounding a new platform. Think of it as the honeymoon phase, where the platform's novelty and distinctive features lead to a surge in transactions. However, like all good things, this phase has expired. As the platform matures and the initial excitement simmers down, the transactional fervor wanes, leading to a decline in transaction numbers.

EmergingEffect(t)=ce+ke×exp(be×t)×exp(le×C(be×t))       (13)EmergingEffect(t)=c_e+k_e×exp⁡(-b_e×t)×exp⁡(-l_e×C(-b_e×t))\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{13}
  • Market Share (Cooper 1993):

    o Description: As the platform carves its niche in the market and gains traction, its transactional activity is influenced by its market share. Essentially, a larger slice of the market pie translates to more transactions.

MarketShare(t)=Bm1+exp(bc×(tt0))       (14)MarketShare(t)= \frac{B_m}{1+exp⁡(-b_c×(t-t_0 )) } \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{14}
  • Usefulness:

    o Description: Beyond initial hype and market share, the platform's inherent value proposition, its usability, plays a pivotal role in shaping transactional behavior. A platform that seamlessly addresses user needs and offers tangible value will naturally see more transactions than one that's cumbersome or misaligned with user expectations.

Usefulness(t)=Cu×11+exp(au×(tku)))       (15)Usefulness(t)=C_u×\frac{1}{1+exp⁡(a_u×(t-k_u )))} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{15}
KTX=EmergingEffect(t)+MarketShare(t)Usefulness(t)       (16)K_{TX}=EmergingEffect(t)+MarketShare(t)-Usefulness(t) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{16}

As observed, this model closely aligns with Gartner's methodology for analyzing technological hype in the sector (Dedehayir and Steinert 2016). We posit that transaction volumes within a specific network predominantly adhere to similar principles. While a more sophisticated strategy can incorporate deep learning techniques for data analysis, it demands a comprehensive model that considers an array of influential factors (Shi et al. 2021)

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