5.3.3 Calculation of Transaction Number

To model transactions within the provided context, we adopt the following structured approach (Pan et al. 2022):

MAU(t)=kmauUsers(t)       (13)MAU(t) = k_{mau} * Users(t) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{13}


TXmax(t)=MAU(t)TXMAU(t)       (14)TX_{max}(t) = MAU(t) * TX_{MAU}(t) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{14}


Tactual(t)=Tmax(t)×KTX(t)       (19)T_{actual} (t)=T_{max} (t)×K_{TX} (t)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{19}


By following this methodology, one can accurately estimate transaction numbers based on active user metrics and transaction profiles

Please note that the model introduced here offers a swift approximation of transactions within the network, drawing primarily from user count and the network's inherent product value. While this approach is particularly valuable for initial estimations, there are more intricate models [(Nsour and Sayama 2020), (Shi et al. 2021), (C. Wang et al. 2023)] available that yield detailed results. While these advanced models furnish nuanced insights, they necessitate more foundational assumptions and extended computations. As a result, for primary estimations, our presented model offers a balance, excelling in terms of user-friendliness and ease of application

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