3.5.4 Transaction Families

Transaction Families allow for processing various information flows within the DGT Network using an extensible system by connecting transaction processors that play the role of smart contracts.

The family of transactions is implemented by connecting special services (via INTERCONNECT) called Transaction Processors. Transaction processors encapsulate the business-logic embedded within the transactions. Some examples of transactions include:

  • Storage of settings and topology support (the DGTSettings family)

  • Token management (e-transfers of money from account to account)

  • Certificate management (XCert)

  • Test transactions (BGT)

  • Key-value storage management (see DKey)

  • A set of bytes to execute smart contracts.

Processing transactions, as well as packing them into blocks, requires the coordinated operation of several components, the central of which is the Journal Engine:

DGT Core (the basic version of the platform) supports basic transactions: DGTSettings, XCert, and BGT. See the detailed description of transactions in Chapter 4. The DGT Garanaska version is an extended version of the platform and includes the transactions described in the table below:

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