5.4.2 Network Entropy

A profound method to evaluate intricate characteristics of network evolution and their interdependencies involves the analysis of network entropy. Originating from Shannon entropy, network entropy quantifies the average measure of a network's heterogeneity, focusing on the network's degree probability distribution. Liusan Wu, in his paper (Wu, Tan, and Zhang 2013), delved into certain dimensions of how entropy impacts network efficiency.

Thus, within this framework, entropy provides a lens into the system's uncertainty. For a blockchain infrastructure, an elevated entropy implies a plethora of independent transactions and diverse usage patterns. This translates to a vast, diversified network marked by an intensified value transfer.

Drawing from information theory, the entropy's computation derives from the Shannon entropy formula:

Sϵ=PTXBlog2PTXB       (22)S_{\epsilon} = -P_{TX}^B * \log_2{P_{TX}^B} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \tag{22}


  • TX stands for the transaction volume.

By entwining both the transaction count and node count, this method offers a holistic perspective of the network's performance, emphasizing its interconnected nature. A representative curve of network entropy can be visualized in the subsequent figure. This comprehensive perspective ensures that stakeholders understand the underlying dynamism and complexities of the network, setting the stage for informed decision-making.

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