6.2.1 Launch the First DGT Node
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This given installation process describes the necessary steps to deploy a single node. The description is for the CORE configuration but can be adapted to work with other versions (See GARANASKA Setup below)
First, you need to obtain the system’s source code from GitHub. DGT has several repositories on GitHub, each of which corresponds to a certain version of the platform – see 1.4.1. Please use the last version. This description is provided for the Matagami version in its CORE configuration. To start working, we clone the GitHub repository:
As a result of execution, the DGT Matagami/CORE directory is created on the user’s home folder (HOME/DGT), from which the server image is built.
Go to the appropriate folder and make sure the files are there:
As a result of deploying a node, some of the general settings will be copied into the node’s configuration. To edit them and add more settings:
Access the directory with the system settings:
Set up the parameters of the node’s certificate, which will be created when connecting to the network. For that, edit the parameters of the certificate.json
file, setting up the correct names for the administrator’s country, region, and e-mail. To connect to private segments, you must ledger these parameters:
Edit the network’s parameters (dgt.net.map, dgt.conf.static, entry_points.json) – see 6.6 (skip this step if setting up a single node).
After defining the settings, move towards building the node’s image.
We carry out the initial assembly of the node using Docker Compose. Run the assembly (rise) command from the directory in which the assembly is placed (DGT/DGT-Matagami/CORE):
- -G – flag, indicating the need to create a genesis block
- -SC – flag indicating that transactions need to be signed by nodes
- -CB openssl – the selected type of cryptography (should be consistent with the network that the node belongs to): options are - openssl or bitcoin
- 1 1 – cluster number and node number in the cluster; for a single node we set “1 1”. Te mapping of the number to a variant notation using segments and clusters is reflected in the dgt.net.map file.
The assembly process is quite long, accompanied by the installation of additional packages. A typical output is shown in the figure below:
The full assembly process is conducted only when updating the home directory of the project (DGT-Matagami/CORE). Afterwards, a simplified process of launching the relevant container is conducted.